
Agencia de publicidad

Manifiesto is an advertising agency made up of a team of professionals who carry out each project in a creative and empathetic way.


The request for this project was to create an identity that transmits the essence and values of each person that makes up this family.

We are fun and have a lot of energy when we work on each project. This makes us clear our minds and find new solutions to problems. We are committed not only to the project but also to the people. We always create a bond of trust with the client so that they are part of the process.


- We provide clear solutions to everyday problems.

- We make the intangible tangible for a better solution.

- We show you the way.

- We open the way for a process free of obstacles.


The letter F was used as a symbol because I could see that its shape could be better molded and give it the dynamic personality and movement I was looking for. This F opens the way for new solutions, the colors are also part of the positive and joyful essence we want to transmit.

Ready for the next step?

Tell us about your project at